Mold on tile grout is unsightly, to say the least. It is typically caused by bacteria (that we all have growing in our bathrooms) combined with the hot, humid environment that our bathrooms provide, especially post-shower or bath.
Got Mold? Don’t worry, we can help.
We have a few quick, cheap and effective tips you can use to help get rid of mold in your bathroom.
What You Need
To properly care for your bathroom and remove the mold from tile grout, you will need:
A Good Scrub Brush
Baking Soda
What You Do
SCRUB the mold away, treat the grout between tiles with a paste made of water and baking soda.
That’s right – the most effective mold removal tool we have is elbow grease. Apply the paste, wait a bit, and scrub the mold away!
For quality cleaning tools check out Maker’s Clean Premium Products. They are reliable and will never leave you hanging!
Mold Scrubbing Tips
- Leave on for as long as you need to—for example, very dirty grout can use an hour or two.
- Spray the tiles with water and use a scrub brush to clean the grout with a brisk back and forth motion.
- Rinse well and buff dry.
Once it’s gone, keep it gone.
Once you have scrubbed the grout, you can prolong your mold-removing efforts so that you do not have to use as much elbow grease next time!
If your bathroom is not properly maintained between cleanings, it does not take long for mold to come back. In fact, think of mold prevention like oral care—we have to maintain our teeth to keep plaque away.
Like a dentist, I am going to suggest some preventative maintenance for you to keep mold out of your bathroom. It only takes seconds to do and is much easier than what the dentist tells you!
Turn the fan on & open a window
When you have finished showering, turn on a fan or open a window until the humidity from your shower has dissipated.
You need to have top-notch ventilation to remove the humidity and moisture from the air. The lack of humidity creates a poor breeding ground for bacteria and is the easiest way to maintain your mold-free space.
Mix Up Mold-Prohibiting Spray
To doubly protect your bathroom, keep a spray bottle nearby and quickly mist the tiles and caulking after your shower with this natural anti-mold solution that takes no effort to make.
The solution contains mold-prohibiting ingredients that when sprayed, protect your bathroom from becoming a breeding ground.
You need white vinegar or tea tree oil, water and a spray bottle.
Vinegar solution
Mix equal parts of vinegar and water in a clean spray bottle.
Tea tree oil solution
Mix 10 drops of tea tree oil into a clean spray bottle filled with water
- Place the spray bottle on the ‘mist’ setting.
- It takes about four seconds to spray the tiles and then you walk away.
Now you are protected from mold
These ingredients are cheap, easy to find and are highly effective.
I particularly love the tea tree oil solution, as I find the scent soothing and spa-like!
If you’re looking for more tips and tricks to use essential oils around your home, check out our ebook, Complete Guide to Essential Oils, and take your scent game to the next level!
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[…] are two ways to make this spray. Both are just as effective, and which you choose is down to personal […]
[…] Get Rid Of Grout Mold! […]
Mold is an issue that plagues many households, causing headaches for property owners and occupants alike. Mold can cause respiratory problems, allergies, asthma, and even cancer. There are different types of mold that grow in different situations, some just need to be dried out while others might need to be scrubbed off with bleach. Finding the right mold inspection experts can help you identify the best course of action for your home situation.
I appreciated your advice to use equal parts vinegar and water with 10 drops of tea tree oil to mist over your grout to prevent mold from growing. My sister lives in a very old condo and is wanting to clean it deeply to make her environment nicer now that she works from home. Since her grout is very dirty, it seems like she might benefit from hiring a grout cleaning service to do it for her.
[…] You want to stop it before it gets any worse, so get a specially designed mold killing solution and clean out your bathroom. […]
Great post Melissa. Very helpful.
I have to agree that prevention of built up scum on grout lines is a must. The more you keep up with it, the less scrubbing you have to do when you clean your tiles.
I think Baking Soda is a great great great remedy to eliminate tile and grout. It is readily available at stores, is cost efficient and always works.
This should always be on every homeowner’s DIY list.
I think Baking Soda is a great great great remedy to eliminate tile and grout. It is readily available at stores, is cost efficient and always works.
This should always be on every homeowner’s DIY list.
Hello Melissa,
Can you tell us how much water to take while making a paste with baking soda?
Just FYI, mold is a fungus and is not related to bacteria. Will try the baking soda technique — it looks promising.
Bacteria for the win
Melissa, how much water do you add with tea tree oil/ how big of a bottle? Thanks!
How can you do this on the grout in a shower wall? Will it run down?
I sure appreciated your article on restoring grout. Here’s my experiences- feel free to edit or post if it helps people. To see these grout pictures, email me at
Bill Kaunitz
We just moved into a rental house that is 50 years old. The master bathroom shower was very clean, but the grout was really stained with grey and black lines and patches. None of the cleaners I tried worked at all. I just about gave up on removing the nasty stains, but it grossed me out so much that I kept doing research on the internet.
grout black spots.jpg
One great blog suggested the following, which worked like a miracle! Here’s the clean picture, after the work was done. I wish I had a complete “nasty” picture of it all from before the cleaning, but I neglected to take one. The difference is remarkable.
grout- clean and finished.jpg
Step 1: Buy a gallon of concentrated Hydrogen Peroxide, 27%, at a swimming pool or hot tub supply store. Just go to any place that sells hot tubs. Blackthorne Spas in Salinas, California, sells a two-gallon package of hydrogen peroxide for $34. That’s a LOT of peroxide. More than enough to do your whole house.
Step 2: Clean the shower or backsplash to remove as much dirt and mold as possible. Don’t worry about anything you missed, as the stain removal process will finish the cleaning job for you. You can leave the surfaces damp, or wet- it doesn’t matter.
Step 3: Dilute half a gallon of the peroxide to 5% strength in a plastic bucket or small WATERPROOF trash can. You don’t want to spill this stuff. To get a 5% strength, add 4 or 5 times the volume of water to the strong peroxide.
NOTE- 27% hydrogen peroxide is a very strong chemical, which can burn skin instantly! Wear sturdy neoprene gloves for this whole process. If any peroxide gets on your hands, wash it off immediately with lots of water.
Step 4: Using a good spray bottle, wet down the shower and grout lines with a thorough spray of peroxide. While it is wet, use long rows of paper towels to cover the walls from top to bottom. The towels will stick to the damp tiles, but you can use the sprayer to add moisture for better sticking power. Once the towels go onto the walls, keep them very wet as a dried out paper towel will fall right off. If you miss a spot, just dampen and add more towels in layers. This is kind of like making paper- mache.
Smooth down the paper towels as best you can. The flat contact with the wall is very important. Please take the time to gently smooth each towel to remove air bubbles for good contact. Over the next day or so, the towels will hold the cleaning chemical in contact with the stains. This extended “wet time” is the key to thorough cleaning.
Step 5: Every hour or so, for the next day, thoroughly spray the paper towels to the point where you can see a little water running down. Wear your gloves while spraying as the 5% solution can stain your skin and cause pain as well.
Step 6: Switch to the full strength 27% solution after the first couple of hours. Spray this strong cleaner as before, just be extra careful not to get any on your skin. It will burn like crazy! Don’t let the 27% peroxide run down your gloves onto your skin. For any skin contact, immediately flush with lots of clean water. Use the 27% peroxide spray for a full day. I allowed 48 hours for the full treatment of bad black stains.
Step 7: Allow the paper towels to thoroughly dry out to the point where they start falling off the walls. Peel them off, using your gloves if there is any dampness in the towels. You are done! Try taking some before and after pictures to remind yourself how effective this procedure is. You can use chlorine bleach instead of peroxide, it just smells way worse for a long time. Note- the strong peroxide puts out a lot of oxygen and ozone in the air. Use plenty of ventilation as the ozone can sting your eyes.
Warning: keep the peroxide and wet towels away from painted surfaces. It can migrate under the paint and cause bubbles in the surface where the oxygen attacks hidden mold and dirt.
grout and bubbly paint.jpg
That is really great tip for getting rid of mold. I keep reading those articles which benefits me as a homeowner.
I was busy looking at her breasts throughout the entire video. Melissa is so cute! The video is very good and informative.
I’ve always wanted to say thanks to internet and many thanks to all those who for heartful reasons take their time and share their knowledge to help others with everyday complications – Mellisa, you’re one of those who would save the dayCn
The post is great. However, in order to make your guides more credible, you may wish to doa bit of homework beforehand. Mould is not caused by bacteria; it is fungi (same as mushrooms) and it is a growing organism.
Other than that, the post is great.
Loved your ideas. Worked awesome. You don’t need to show your breasts to be successful. Just something to consider.
Yeah, she should hide her body in shame.
Or maybe she just found the shirt comfy and cute and wanted to wear it. Keep the sexist remarks to yourself.
Liked the grout cleaning demo can’t wait to start.
how do you get off the grout on the walls under your shower taps?
Will try!
I too have the same issue. What can I (we) do to clean severe cases? Also, as another PP asked, how do you do this for tiled walls, if the paste won’t stay in place?
All u need is bleach i prefer scented and a long cotton ball strip the kind u get from a salon store like sallys soak your cotton strip place all the way around tub grout or calking leave for half come back remove throw away no scrubbing involved u will be amazed white vinigar works great for ceiling and toilet mold. Happy cleaning.
Good do it yourself advice. Staying for the cleavage!
This is helpful, by learning how to get rid of black mold safely and effectively, you can protect the health of your family and the value of your home, without breaking the bank.
What size spray bottle for the tea tree preventative spray?
How do you get the baking soda paste to stay on when you are cleaning the grout on tiled walls?
The best thing is to stick paper towels to the wall sprayed with white distilled vinegar
Hi – we recently (in the past six months) removed/replaced the silicone coating along the grout line where the tub meets the tile wall, and now I think mould is behind the silicone….I think I know the answer here, but do you think we should remove the silicone, deal with the mould and re-seal, or forget about silicone sealant altogether and just keep the grout accessible to cleaning?
Thanks Melissa,
Very helpful.
How can I watch your videos with your cleavage showing…your awesome!
This was exactly what I needed! Thank you! Unfortunately 80% of my house is tiled so I’ve got a lot of work ahead of me 🙁 hopefully this will make my job go a lot quicker.
Tea tree oil solution
Mix 10 drops of tea tree oil into a clean spray bottle filled with water
Place the spray bottle on the ‘mist’ setting.
It takes about four seconds to spray the tiles and then you walk away.
Hi there, I need help! I have tried lemon juice and baking soda… white vinegar… and it is not removing the mold in my bathtub at all (or maybe it is and just the stain is left?). I left on the paste for 8 hours today and it didn’t lighten the dark spots. Is is possible it got so bad that the grout will need to be removed and then replaced with new grout? Thank you so much for your help!!
I too have the same problem did everything and no luck ?what now?
Really cool. I’m definitely going to try it. I’ve tried bleach for years and I think the only thing it’s actually done is shorten my life span. Thanks Melissa.
Very nice post, impressive. its quite different from other posts. Thanks Melissa for sharing . You’ve taught me a lot with your guide. I will share this to my friend
The grout cleaning was fantastic. I have spend a lot of money and tried different methods to clean the grout in my kitchen and nothing worked After using this method my floor looks like the day we installed it.
Thanks for the great tip!
yes good job
the all mighty lemon to disenfect and extra all mighty baking soda cleans everything in a healthy excellent fashion thanks Ruth
Love all of your helpful advice, Thank you so much!
Baking soda really do magic when it comes to bleaching. Aside from helping the teeth whiten, it can also be an alternative in cleaning the house especially those molds that grow in humid areas. Thanks for posting this. Great info.
I noticed the grout molding after I cleaned the shower with tilex. Could that have stripped the sealer that was applied. Also after I get it clean should I let it dry and then reseal the tile and grout.
Does baking soda react to anything else, such as bleach? Specifically, is it OK to clean the grout with baking soda, wipe it down, and then mop the floor with bleach water? Or do you need to rinse off all the baking soda very carefully first?
I actually haven’t used baking soda on grout. I’m trying that out. I like the advice on prevention too. I know of 4 factors in mold prevention for your readers:
1. Moisture
2. Humidity
3. Cleanliness
4. Temperature
I think you tackled at least 3 of the 4 factors in your post. Awesome!
how can i get rid of mold on a leather bags? thanks..
Can you use baking soda on kitchen linoleum that it designed not to be waxed?
[…] special thanks to the original pinners Real Simple & Clean My Space If you want to see the full article just click on the picture and it will link you right […]
Thank you Melissa! I need to clean my grout badly and was wondering what to do!
I visited your site and noticed you provide a lot of good tips for cleaning the bathroom, toilet, etc. HOwever, I stumbled upon a toilet bowl cleaner called NEVERSCRUB and thought it would be great for you to share with your readers! It removed all my hardwater and grime stains. I dont work for the company,. I am a housewife that swears by this product and figured you should share this too. I love your blogs!
Oooohhh, thanks Mandy! Do you know if the product is acid-based? That’s very interesting! Thanks for letting me know and for checking our blog out!!
hi mandy can you provide a link of what it looks like and where it can be bought? thanks