Let’s face it – over time, your hairbrush can get pretty nasty. It fills up with dust, oil, hair and hair products, dandruff, dirt and odors; and honestly, who wants to use something like that on their head?

The good news is that hairbrushes are also fairly easy to clean. So, before you run off to the nearest drug store to get yourself a new brush, just follow a few simple steps to clean the one that you have. The bonus?  You can clean it with items that you probably have in your home already.  

If you are ready to get all that nasty gunk out of your brush, here are the items that you are going to need to help make the job a little easier.

  • Pen
  • Scissors
  • Toothbrush
  • Warm water
  • Shampoo

Step-By-Step Instructions:

  1. The first step is running the pen up the middle of your hairbrush in order to loosen up any trapped hair.
  2. Next, take the scissors and cut the hair that has been pulled up in half
  3. Using your fingers, begin to pull out the hair.
  4. Once you have gotten your hairbrush reasonably hair free, mix a bit of shampoo with some warm water.
  5. Wet your hairbrush in the water and shampoo mixture and then use your toothbrush to scrub away any dirt and debris.
  6. This can take a few minutes but it will be worth it to have your hairbrush looking like new again.
  7. Finally, dry off your hairbrush with a soft towel and enjoy once again using a nice clean hairbrush.

…and there you have it, folks!

What should we clean next?

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Looking for a BETTER & EASIER Way to Clean Your Home?

Cleaning Expert Melissa Maker is here to help with her game-changing 3 Wave Cleaning System that will help you clean your house faster and easier than you ever thought possible!

Learn More About The 3 Wave Cleaning System

Chad Reynolds is an entrepreneur, artist, and the executive producer and co-creator of Clean My Space. In 2001 he co-founded and served as creative director for 360 Mediaworx, a digital design agency in Toronto. In 2007, Clean My Space was created and along with his wife Melissa, they built an award-winning boutique cleaning company and a highly successful digital content brand on YouTube.


  1. I use the handle of my rat tail comb to run through each row of bristles to bring the hair to the surface so it can be pulled out. Then use an old eyebrow brush to scrub through each row with hot soapy water and then rinse the brush in hot vinegar water and turn the brush bristles down to drain on a towel.

  2. I use a fine tooth comb to comb the hair out of my hairbrush. The size of the teeth tapers down to very fine on one end and fine on the other end.


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